Our shipping is carbon-neutral!

We are using Planet to enable us to provide carbon-neutral shipping on all our orders. 

Every time an order is processed and shipped, we contribute to the Shopify Sustainability Fund who create technologies and solutions that pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store it long term.

This technology calculates how much CO₂ is emitted from shipping every order, which we offset by investing in these wonderful technologies. 

Just one of the companies we support is the incredible Charm Industrial, whose mission is to return the already emitted carbon emissions back into the ground using innovative technology. By converting the carbon dioxide captured by plants into liquid bio oil, Charm has the ability to pump our emissions out of the atmosphere and deep underground. This removes CO₂ permanently from the atmosphere, out of reach of wildfires, soil erosion and political folly.

Planet helps us to support many other fabulous, ingenious businesses. Crucially, they focus on the removal of CO₂ from the atmosphere - not merely offsetting the emissions we cause. 

Even though we are a small business, we strongly believe that everybody has a duty of responsibility towards the environment. 

To learn more about this process, we really recommend Shopify Plus' Expert Panel video on YouTube. Also, don't hesitate to check out our Environmental Policy to see what else we are doing to help protect and preserve our environment.